The oh so popular Detox Water! (Reviews, De-bunking the myths, and etc)

Ahh~ what a great to start an entry by doing a health review~ lol 

So as the title says I will be doing a review on the popular 
"Detox Water"

 Now before I start, 
I am not some teenager doing this blog. 
I am in my late 20's 
A mom to 2 amazing energy pumpin' boys 
Married to the most Health conscience man ever!
So of course I have gone through the Mommy stages of after birth the preggo weight. 

As a Mom 
(like every other women and moms out there) 
well all want to stay fit, looking young, have as much energy to keep up with our kids, family, home, and our every day lives.
So its natural for us that we want to find ways to keep in shape.
Wanting to look back in our late Teens early 20's. 
(jeez what mom doesn't? lol)

Now lets start!
I have been on the detox water since September 2013
So basically 11 months 
Yes, I have made the water every time I ran out,
 been drinking it everyday, I actually replaced my normal water intake with the detox water.
(which of course you can do that)

Here is my reviews on how the detox water has helped me.
My energy levels was great. 
I wasn't fatigue at all. 
Helped my bowel movement. 
My skin was glowing, it was much more smoother.
Completely boosted my immune system 
(never got sick)
I got the antioxidants that my body needed.
Suppressed my cravings. 
My monthly cycle wasn't as painful. 
Weight was sustained and lost a several pounds, but that's from suppressing my cravings.
It definitely flushed out the unwanted fat.

Of course I got great results from sticking to this water. 
BUT~! the water itself needs more help as well!
Of course you must maintain a healthy diet, balancing out your meals cutting out the RED MEAT.
I am not sure if many people know this but for our bodies to break down and digest red meat takes at least 24-48 hours that's for just having a 6 oz steak.
Not to mention red meat actually over works the body to digest it. 
( Another helpful advise ) 

So after getting great results and feeling like I was on top of the world, 
I got curious in what would happen if I took out the detox water and went back to my normal plain bottle water?
(I must say the results and side effects was terrible)

I decided to stop taking the detox water for 2 and a half weeks. 
My experience from this really made me think twice.

My first 3-4 days was miserable because every time I wake up I would feel tired and fatigue, even after a full night rest.
Though the 2 and half weeks. 
My energy levels on the bottom less pit low.
I was ALWAYS fatigue.
I was constantly blocked up. 
(Number 2 was non-existence) 
My skin lost its glow
I had facial break outs
My skin looked rough.
I actually got sick.
My monthly cycle was unbearable and painful
(I timed the no detox on my monthly cycle for this purpose)
I gained weight 
(that's because of the blockage and cravings) 
My cravings was out of control.
All in all I was just a full blown LAZY bum! 
(even a slug does more than me lol) 

Now this is from my own personal experience, experiment, and results that I got from my body.
Some others may have a different experience and results, who knows?
But I can tell you this!
I have a friend who has tried the detox water around the same time as I did,
she is on the heavy side, but her health is normal (by her doctor), when I mean normal her cholesterol level is normal, her blood sugar is normal, and so forth on.
But she has lost 10lbs/4.5kg, 
when she did her Detox Water diet.
So to give you an idea from another person's result.

Now for the DE-BUNKING
on the Detox Water!

Okay so I am pretty sure everyone~ has seen on pintrest, health magazines, health webs, forums and etc etc that the Detox Water will help you lose the weight. 
That my friends and readers is only partially true. 
When I mean by partially true,
you lose the weight by the bowel movements that your body wants to release the waste.
Our bodies holds 1-2lbs of waste.
When we are unable to go for number 2, that waste becomes that extra weight until we are fully ready to go for number 2.
Also one of the ingredients in the Detox water is a hunger suppressant.
When I say hunger suppressant it does not mean that you don't get hungry or have an appetite, it more so controls your portion of meals. 
Another ingredient in the Detox water actually cuts down your sweet tooth craving or any kind of junk food cravings as well.
As you can see weight loss is a "Yes" by helping us have control and its our bodies natural way of saying "Hey you only need to lose this much of weight and any more you won't feel too great." 
But its also a "No" because you don't lose the ideal weight that we all have.

Now for the ingredients and what each ingredient does!

Body Flush and Detox Water

1 cucumber
1 lemon
1 or 2 oranges 
2 limes
1 bunch of mint

Slice them all and divide the ingredients between four 24 oz water bottles and fill them up with filtered water.
Make sure to leave it over night for about 8 hours.

Drink daily
Not only does this taste delicious and help flush fat, but it also counts toward your daily water intake! 

Lemons: Help in the absorption of sugars and calcium and cuts down your cravings for sweets. 

Cucumbers act as a diuretic and flush fat cells. It is alkalizing to the body (if you have an alkaline body, no diseases can live there), and increase your energy levels.

Limes promote a healthy digestive tract. 

Mint is a natural appetite suppressant that also aids in digestion.

I hope all this information helps and try it out yourself! 


New look & So forth on ~

Hey everyone~! 
So I have decided to try and be a little be more active on my blog since my last post was dated back last year~ 
(jeez why so long?!) 

Now the reason for this 
(like my reason matters?) 
is because I was super new to blogger 
(total noob) 
and I hated my last template layout and not to mention I didn't really know what to write, talk, or even use the blogger for?

I know this for a fact when I opened up this blog, I initially wanted to concentrate on scrapbooking projects, mix media projects, alteration projects, basically anything that was crafty related stuff.  

But as time went by,
(loads of time and leaving this poor blog covered in dust) 
I decided that I want to make my blog not just about crafty related stuff, but all sorts of things I am really interested in that I can share with people and give them reviews on certain things that will help and interest them in. 

Like for example:
(brace yourselves people!) 

1. Crafting 
(of course you guys know this since I have a YT channel) 

2. Shopping for crafty stuff 
(since I have haul videos too) 

3. Anime 
(my IG has lots of Anime figures)

4. Games 

5. Beauty 

6. Health 

7. Food 

8. All Natural Dieting 

9. Music 

10. Cosplaying

11. Tutorials 

What I tell you~ lists that can go on and on. 
But I figure the 11 lists pretty much sums up on what to look forward in my blog. 
Also when I am not active on YT, I can post what I have been up to, PLUS!! I can blog on the go! 
(since I am constantly going out to places, such convenience!!!) 

So until then my readers and watchers! 
Stay tuned for more Blog posts. 
*crosses finger that I can commit to this*

ほんじゃまたねぇ~! (⌒▽⌒)